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divine realignment

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel like you do not know what your life purpose is? Do you feel like something is wrong but you do not know what to do? Have you tried everything and nothing worked? Do you know your True Path? Do you want to transform your life and return to your Divine Soul Path?

Systematic access to your Akashic Records to obtain your Divine Soul Blueprint information and recognize any negative behavior patterns that may continuously create certain patterns in your every day life, creating a lack of abundance, lack of love, lack of motivation, lack of money, feeling like you do not belong and do not know what to do. 

We can access all of this information in your Akashic Records and more!

Once we identify your patterns, we can understand the big picture of your current life patterns that are creating all that lack and confusion and we can understand which behaviors to change in order to attract love, abundance, money, and have a complete transformation. 

Upon receiving your presentation of your Akashic Records information you will decide whether you are ready to make changes or not and once you decide you want to go forward you will be given further instructions on what to do, to propel into a Divine Realignment and come back onto your Divine Soul Path by reconnecting to your Divine Energy Center and releasing old karmic patterns and connections that no longer serve you. As a result of Realigning to your true purpose, you will experience total life transformation within 6-12 months. 

Free Initial Consultation

Divine Realignment Fee: $250 and up


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