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Process Work:

Process Work is a cross-disciplinary approach aimed to support individual and collective change. It developed in the 1970s and 1980s when Dr Arnold Mindell, a Jungian analyst in Zurich, Switzerland, began researching illness as a meaningful expression of the unconscious mind. Also known as process-oriented psychology (POP) or dreambody work, Process Work offers new ways of working with areas of life that are experienced as problematic or painful. Physical symptoms, relationship problems, group conflicts and social tensions, when approached with curiosity and respect, can lead to new information that is vital for personal and collective growth.


With its roots in Jungian psychology, Taoism and physics, Process Work believes that the solution to a problem is contained within the disturbance itself and provides a practical framework through which individuals, couples, families and groups can connect with greater awareness and creativity.


Process work or “pw” (often called “process oriented psychology” or “POP” in Europe and Asia) is a multicultural, multi-leveled awareness practice including people and their natural environment.


Process work is an evolving, trans-disciplinary approach supporting individuals, relationships and organizations to discover themselves. PW uses awareness to track “real” and “imaginary” psychological and physical processes that illuminate and possibly resolve inner, relationship, team, and world issues. Process Work theories and methods are available for anyone to experience, and can be tested. There are three levels of focus which incorporate just about every possible experience of reality:


1. Consensus Reality. Process Work deals with so called “real” events, problems, and issues connected with the development of individuals, couples, businesses and cities. Groups and individuals use feelings and facts, to describe conflicts, issues or problems.


2. At the level of dreamland, process work employs dreams, deep feelings, unspoken truths, “double” or unintentional body signals, “ghosts” (unrepresented figures) and ghost roles in the stories and myths of individuals and organizations. History, visions and transgenerational events are important.


3. At the deepest non-dualistic or “essence” level, process work deals with tendencies that can be sentiently felt to move us, “dreamlike” tendencies that are not yet easily expressed in words. This area of life can sometimes be felt as a subtle atmosphere around people, events and areas of our planet earth. The essence level has quantum-like blurry overlapping states, and cosmological, space-time or gravity like experiences.

      a. Taoism speaks of the essence level in terms of the “the Tao which cannot be said.”

      b. In quantum physics, Heisenberg spoke of “tendencies” of the quantum wave function. David Bohm spoke of this area in terms of a system’s quantum waves or “pilot waves”.

      c. This level seems to manifest a non-dualistic intelligence, we call, the “system mind” or “”process mind”. It’s analogy in physics might be Bohm’s pilot wave or Hawking’s “Mind of God.” Spiritual and religious traditions speak of the omnipresence of the gods.

Family and System Constellations:

Each of us is a link in a chain spanning countless generations. It is not surprising that at times we are “paying off the debts” of our ancestors by reliving their lives’ patterns. What unconscious forces compel us to repeat the joyful and the traumatic events of our hidden family histories? The method was developed by the German philosopher-psychologist Bert Hellinger. The goal of the Family Constellation approach is to gain insight into the secrets of our family history. This method teaches us how to unravel the skein of our family past, brings to light interconnections across generations, and helps us break out of the unconscious cycle of our family history that may keep us from reaching our true potential and experiencing real happiness.


The Family Constellation method effectively addresses:

  • relationship problems

  • career issues

  • business and financial difficulties

  • bodily pain and illness

  • depression

  • habitual emotional and behavioral patterns


Relationship/family issues.

When we have unresolved issues with our family of origin, we unconsciously apply them to our new relationships with: partners, children, friends, and co-workers. Family Constellation is a great tool to recognize and resolve these entanglements, in order to move towards more healthy and authentic relationships.


Problems with children.

One of the basic concepts in a Family constellation is that when one member of a Family system is excluded from a system the ungrounded or destabilized energy finds a younger member of the family field, and makes him/her recreate patterns which belonged to the previous generation. The younger member of the family unconsciously repeats these patterns even if they don’t serve his/her best interests or desires, and provokes conflicts in his/her life. My entrance to the world of family constellation was though my challenges with my first husband. I made a decision to study constellation systems after my first constellation with my teacher, Dina Ostrovsky, and experienced something deeply magical that ignited my inner light and led me to my own personal transformation with unexpected, beyong my wildest dreams, amazing life transformations.


Diseases and addiction recovery.

Bodily diseases and addictions always multi-level issues. In these cases, healing should come from multiple sources: western and integrative medicine, psychotherapy, and/or energy work. But from the family/system constellations paradigm, these problems always have roots in the family system. Family constellation brings awareness to patterns that have been passed from generation to generation. It also helps to open new sources of love and life energy, and promote healing for the highest good.

Your transformational coaching process will be designed and unique to you and your experience. It may involve and not limited to: art therapy, such as mandala painting, movement and singing, chanting and meditation, play therapy, drawing or sketching, making outlines or lists, listening to music, aromatherapy, etc. Your transformation is your own and with open-mindedness, and willingness to change, you will experience a new dimension of living. If nothing changes, nothing changes. How free do you want to be?

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