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We utilize the European Face Sculpting Massage System, which is also referred to as a "non-surgical face lift."


This procedure can be used as a stand-alone procedure or in addition to other services. Generally, the length of a session is generally 45 minutes long, but in some cases might run longer, up to 60-65 minutes long.

Face lifting/sculpting massage assists in softening fine lines and wrinkles, reducing puffiness through increase in blood and lymph flow, lift and relaxation in facial muscles and improvement in overall glow. 


Results are visible from the first treatment session. Results and length of effectiveness of treatment varies.  


Main Indications for this type of massage:


·         All types of face wrinkles, including crow’s feet

·         Drooping corners of the mouth

·         Loose skin and swelling

·         Sagging cheeks

·         Dull skin color

·         Double chin


This treatment smooths wrinkles, reduces nasolabial folds, restores firmness and elasticity, heightens facial contour and skin tone. Results are visible after the first treatment. For a full and long-lasting effect, 6-12 treatments, 1-2 times a week are recommended, with maintenance at once every 3 weeks thereafter. Results may vary.


Major contraindications include:

·         Various skin rashes in the acute stage (acne, herpes, eczema, fungal diseases, flat warts).

·         Allergic reactions.

·         With allergic reactions (food reactions), even if it does not have manifestations on the face, massage should not be done.

·         Any skin injuries - wounds, burns, abrasions, scratches, bruises, insect bites Inflammatory process with the presence of         purulent pustules (when processing the face, there is a high risk of spreading infection across the surface).

·         Severe general diseases (autoimmune diseases, diabetes, severe vascular pathology, the presence of pathologies of the endocrine system, systemic connective tissue diseases; collagenosis, etc.)

·         Acute respiratory diseases

·         Expressed couperose. (rosacea)

·         Craniocerebral injuries

·         Mental disorders Inflammatory diseases of the facial and trigeminal nerves

·         Diseases of the lymphatic system

·         Disorders of cerebral circulation Hypertensive disease of the third stage

·         Oncological diseases

·         Severe osteoporosis

·         Diseases of the thyroid gland. In this case, written permission from an endocrinologist is required. In 80% of cases, they allow, only recommend bypassing the neck surface.

·         Pregnancy: The first trimester is an absolute contraindication for any physical procedures. Further, if the pregnancy proceeds well, the massage can be done.

·         Diseases of the oral cavity, especially herpes in the active phase.

·         No work allowed during the period of installing dental implants. In this case, 1 year should pass from the moment of installation of implants.

·         Removable dentures must be removed before the massage. At the same time, it is possible to have a massage with braces.

There are also a number of restrictions on the timing of facial massage for those who undergo different cosmetic techniques. In this case, we adhere to the following recommendations:

1. After injectable mesotherapy, a minimum of 3 days must pass before a facial massage session. (This does not apply to homemade mesorollers. In this case, the massage can be done the next day).

2. There is no consensus on when to massage your face after contour plastics and fillers. Some believe that a light massage is acceptable after a week. Others, fearing the rupture of the filler, prohibit any sculpting techniques for 2 months. My general recommendation is to wait at least 1.5 months after placing the filler. 

      - That said, everyone agrees on one thing: massage can and should be done prior to injecting fillers, as it helps reduce cramping and evenly distribute the product inside.

 3. At least 10-15 days should pass after Botox injections. If you massage the face in the first days after injections, there is a high probability that the drug "spreads" and penetrates into the neighboring tissues. As a result, you might experience asymmetry or severe swelling. Also, during the massage, the skin warms up, which contributes to the excretion of botulinum toxin.

4. With thread lifting, regardless of the type of threads implanted - absorbable or not - facial massage is allowed only after 4-6 weeks.

5. After a chemical peel, at least 1.5-2 weeks should pass. In the case of a superficial peel procedure, massage is not contraindicated.

6.  After cosmetic cleansing of the face/facial, it is better to wait at least one day.

7. After various types of maxillofacial and eye surgery, it is recommended for you to consult with the attending physician to find out when facial massage can be done.

Please inform your therapist of any existing and pre-existing conditions to avoid any complications after the treatment. 

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