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Reiki Session

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki is spiritual in nature, but is not a religion. It stresses the importance of living and acting in a way that promotes harmony with others. Reiki is a system of natural healing with simple ideals that promote peace and harmony. These ideals are nearly universal across all cultures.

Reiki session lasts from 30 to 90 minutes, customized to your personal need. General requests for the session include: stress and anxiety, body aches and pains (specified and unspecified), headache/migraines, fears, recovery from surgery or illness, tinnitus, infertility, Chakra Balancing, and many more.

Reiki is not meant to be utilized as an alternative means of treatment, but rather as supplemental means to the treatment you may already be undergoing. It is gentle and non-invasive.

Prior to the beginning of your session, we ask you to please arrive 10 minutes prior, to review your medical history and Reiki needs. We suggest an hour session, if it is your first time experiencing Reiki. During the session, you will remain fully clothed and will  be placed on a standard massage therapy table. The practitioner will gently place his/her hands on your body, as well as raising them above your body, at certain times of the session. You are not required to do or say anything, unless you wish so. You may feel symptoms such as tingling in various parts of your body/area worked on, warmth, coolness, deep peace and relaxation, may become emotional, may begin to remember thing, places or people, may experience scents or sounds from your past, may experience a sense of deja vu, and many more. There have been reports where people experienced absolutely nothing, but that does not mean that the session was a waste of time. There is ALWAYS a benefit from Reiki. Reiki can NEVER hurt you in any way.

After the session, we ask you to rest for the rest of the day, drink plenty of water and pay attention to your dreams, especially if you did not experience any symptoms during the session. Sometimes, our dreams relay messages to us with answers that we seek. Healing begins as early as your thought of including Reiki as your treatment plan.

Our Reiki sessions are $85 for an hour and $120 for 90 minutes. We can answer any of your questions before, during and after the session. We suggest a consistent Reiki Treatment plan for yourself to feel the full benefit of the healing power of Reiki. There is also an option of having a 2-practitioner-4-handed treatment for an hour at the rate of $150, which amplifies the healing aspect of your treatment to so much more. However, it is not recommended for the inexperienced clients.

Book your appointment now and experience the gentle, healing power of Reiki. The Power of Stillness Health Spa awaits to assist you in your transformation toward health and happiness. Love and Light.

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